Following the earlier article detailing the internet post of David Creswick, it is clear that the popularity of the SCC is growing at a fair rate. In response to Creswicks remarks on the BBC website, Pimon Sorter notes with great excitement that he was intending to attend SCC2008. Let's hope he enjoyed the golfing feast that was on display!
Tuesday, 29 April 2008
Aberdovey enjoyed " outstanding" etiquette
Ben Williams has recieved a glowing response to the earlier correspondence thanking Aberdovey for hosting SCC2008. The letter from Ian Hamilton, Manager of Aberdovey GC praises the players "behaviour and etiquette", stating that it "was outstanding and a real credit to the game that we cherish."
The letter is finished on a lighter note and probably refers mainly to the presence of Ben "pin-up boy" Williams. Hamilton states that "we don't oftern get pictures of young golf punks like yourself so I have posted your picture in the ladies changing room." No word of a lie - read the letter for yourself (below)!
Tuesday, 22 April 2008
"Wonderful" Course Formally Recognised by Players
A letter has today been sent to Averdovey golf course praising the way in which it hosted this years competition. In-coming captain, Ben Williams goes on the record with a glowing acknowedgement of the welcome recieved from both staff and members.
This formal recognition of the contribution which Aberdovey made to another hugely successful competition is likely to lead to a massive increase in visitor numbers. New membership applications have been so large in number that the local postman has been signed off work for a month with a bad back!

As a final beautiful gesture by the players, a photograpgh of the 4 teams was sent to the club with a letter. And, in a special treat for all members of the club, the photo was signed by Ben Williams, one half of this years winning team.
This formal recognition of the contribution which Aberdovey made to another hugely successful competition is likely to lead to a massive increase in visitor numbers. New membership applications have been so large in number that the local postman has been signed off work for a month with a bad back!

As a final beautiful gesture by the players, a photograpgh of the 4 teams was sent to the club with a letter. And, in a special treat for all members of the club, the photo was signed by Ben Williams, one half of this years winning team.
Monday, 21 April 2008
SCC 2008 Official Photos Released
2008 Winners - Team Birmingham
2008 Wooden Spoon Recipients - Team Liverpool
Peter Bumwell after ONE round of golf cost him 114 shots and 12 golf balls (ouch!)
Unlucky camera angle or doggy fiddler .....

An apparent backlash from SCC Team Birmingham winner Nick Brooker has ended up with him being in more bother than he originally expected.
Seen here on a close up of the picture he released to media, it is quite apparent that Nick Brooker likes nothing more than to insert his grubby fingers into live pets. "Not only am i shocked, but disgusted," said Ben Williams, Brooker's team mate and bed sharing partner. "When it came to golf he always told me that he liked to get his hands dirty, but this really takes the (dog) biscuit. He needs to have a serious word with himself and sort his fetishes out, the dirty, dirty b@stard."
Nick Brooker is yet to comment.
How can this man be a law breaker????
Nick Brooker has not hit back angrily at recent comments (as this is not in his nature), but has made it clear that he has never nor would ever participate in such recreational activities.
Brooker, pictured above, is not only a man of of the people, but a renowned animal lover (not in that way!) and maintains he has always played his sport with total sportsmanship his number one priority.
'I may F & Jeff on the course a bit, maybe the odd the club chuck, I may also have earned over 15 cards during the recent hockey season but quite clearly I would never jeopardise my promising SCC career with such a flagrant disregard for the rules'. He continued to say 'I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that this image is the handy work of the very talented P Bumwell of a bitter Team Manchester. I say talented in a photshop sense of course as 114 and 12 lost balls doesn't equate to mastery of the course now!'
Sunday, 20 April 2008

When the drugs unit finally got to carry out their tests, Brooker tested positive for Cannabis, Ketamine, liquid gold, lavender, lily of the valley, 17 different kinds of semen and viagra.
This image quite clearly shows Brooker with what can only be described as a dirty great spliff on a recent sex trip that he made to Amsterdam. Brooker has a shady past and it appears that his live fast die young, sex rock and roll lifestyle (maybe not the sex!) has caught up with him. Although Cannabis is not classed as a performance enhancing drug, Roger and Alan at the PGA HQ are keen to kick all drug users out of the sport. It is not clear as to how long Brooker will be be banned for, however it is highly unlikely that he will be allowed to play at SCC09.
Brooker's partner, who also happens to play golf with him, Ben Williams who put in three fantastic rounds of golf has a history of strong antibiotic use, however he appears to have avoided the radar of the drugs unit.
Team Nottingham's Dom Williams commented "We were not surprised by this breaking newstory, Nick was smoking all the way around Aberdovey's golf course, I walked into the locker room to see him doing a line off one of the urinals. We would obviously have preferred to have won this most coveted trophy outright, but the cheating Brummie yam yam ba****ds need to be taught a lesson"
Simon Porter also of team Nottingham said "I never had this sort of problem when playing with Nick Faldo." Porter was heard earlier today commenting that he has played with Faldo and that in his opinion Brooker hits the ball as well, if not better than the former Masters winner. It is apparent that the reason for this is his flagrant disregard to the law and his eagerness to fill his body with illegal substances.
Thursday, 17 April 2008
Sincerity is a dish best served cold...
We, Team Manchester, would like to take this opportunity to wish all teams taking part in SCC '08 the very best of luck.
Remember Team Notingham, "It's not about winning, it's about taking part", and we will be taking you apart.
Hope you all have safe journeys and get there in good time. Team Liverpool, see you on Friday.
Remember Team Notingham, "It's not about winning, it's about taking part", and we will be taking you apart.
Hope you all have safe journeys and get there in good time. Team Liverpool, see you on Friday.
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
A Humble Apology
"I brings a tear to my eye when i have to think about it," confesses Team Manchesters prodigy, Peter Bramwell. "As for anybody who knew me then, I was going through a difficult phase in my life. I was deperately trying to recover from a bad bout of 'fashionitis' (commonly known as 'Bad Taste') before a party i was to attend. Unfortunately for many people there, i hadn't fully recovered.
I did apologise at the time, especially to Ken Lodge who is now blind due to the event, but unfortunately words cannot heal. Unless of course you are dumb, in which case they do.
I would like to keep the past behind me and focus on the events to come. Sorry again for the hurt this has caused, i can only promise that i will check myself in the mirror before leaving the house."
A true apology from a great man, i'm sure you will all agree.
I did apologise at the time, especially to Ken Lodge who is now blind due to the event, but unfortunately words cannot heal. Unless of course you are dumb, in which case they do.
I would like to keep the past behind me and focus on the events to come. Sorry again for the hurt this has caused, i can only promise that i will check myself in the mirror before leaving the house."
A true apology from a great man, i'm sure you will all agree.
Monday, 14 April 2008
SCC Superstar or Fashion Victim?

Friday, 11 April 2008
Aberdovey Embraces Technology

News has been exclusively leaked to the SCC Commitee that Aberdovey is shaking off it's, "Stuck in the 1820's" stigma by launching a live webcam to show spectators the latest weather, "as it happens".
Found at:
Gavin "Typically Welsh" Jones (above) commented, "We wanted to show people that we're not all about mining and growing leeks, and i think this interweb camera device is just the thing that is going to put our town on the map." And Gavin should know as he is now the proud owner of Aberdoveys' first mobile phone. "They'll be telling me next that they've found a way to keep food cold!", Gavin chuckled.
Team Manchester Warm Up

Contrary to popular belief, Team Manchester have been vigorously training hard for this years SCC tournament. "Admittedly," says Peter Bramwell, "It hasn't been the prettiest golf we have played, but it's certainly a step in right direction. That is, of course, if the right direction is a massive shank followed by a fat approach shot, then a duff chip."
Seen here in recent pictures Team Manchester have been invited to test Augusta before the professionals were allowed to play.
"I think that the fairways are quite soft and the greens very forgiving", said Neil Guyton,"But i'm sure it's not even close to the tricky conditions we are all going to be experiencing next week."
Monday, 7 April 2008
Vice Scandle Rocks Tournement
In news that has shocked the world of golf to its core, it seems that Christopher Seddon of Team Liverpool has been involved in a "same-sex" relationship with notorious porn king, Mike Ock. Pictures exclusive to this website reveal the lovers captured in bed together following what residents of the hotel claimed was an "all night steamy rompathon".

It is believed that the executive committee have scheduled an emergency meeting to discuss the matter and all members have so far been unavailable for comment.
It is believed that the executive committee have scheduled an emergency meeting to discuss the matter and all members have so far been unavailable for comment.
Tuesday, 1 April 2008
The Shame Of It....
Turgid rumors are rife again as "Sharron" stepped out from the silhouette of controversy. "I know what i saw, but i was mistaken", Sharron, 35, from Dudley announces, "It appeared to be huge but actually i was much closer than i first thought. So close, in fact, i am now taking antibiotics and have a mutated strain of tonsilitis/flarangitis/larangitis (delete where applicable) which altered my perception of 'length' and indeed 'depth'. I feel deeply ashamed to have collapsed at the scene and wish that i had never been caught up in this tangled web of deceit."
On a lighter note, Peter, 25 (but looks more of a 24), was out practicing for his warm up match against team mate Neil, 34 (and feeling the years), last night and can announce that he is "Bloody awesome". Though he doesn't like to brag about it much.
On a lighter note, Peter, 25 (but looks more of a 24), was out practicing for his warm up match against team mate Neil, 34 (and feeling the years), last night and can announce that he is "Bloody awesome". Though he doesn't like to brag about it much.
Call that length!!!!!!!!!
The residents of Aberdovey have hit back today, at claims from Team Birmingham lynchpin Ben Williams that they are scared of his extra 'length'.
Following a detailed Panorama investigation, the quotes from Addfwyn were indeed traced back not to the sleepy Welsh town but to a Mrs S. Williams, rumoured to be married to said SCC participant.
An angry Mrs Williams set the record straight this afternoon saying. 'I cannot dispute that I have made several comments over the last couple of week regarding the extra length that Ben has been showing but in no circumstances did I mention his golf or intend any sexual connotation. It's his nose I'm worried about.'
Following a detailed Panorama investigation, the quotes from Addfwyn were indeed traced back not to the sleepy Welsh town but to a Mrs S. Williams, rumoured to be married to said SCC participant.
An angry Mrs Williams set the record straight this afternoon saying. 'I cannot dispute that I have made several comments over the last couple of week regarding the extra length that Ben has been showing but in no circumstances did I mention his golf or intend any sexual connotation. It's his nose I'm worried about.'
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