It is reproduced here verbatim, without permission, and in association with Golf on Gower FM:
SCC Press Officer, Ms. E. Macpherson: Thanks for coming gentlemen, now if you’ll just be seated...
Mat Kinson (cuts across her): Which one of you is Derek Lawrenson?
Lawrenson (Golf correspondent, Daily Mail): Me...
Mat Kinson: You're a massive C.
Lawrenson: Thanks very much.
Mat Kinson: Which one of you is from the Telegraph?
Mark Reason: Me.
Mat Kinson: You're out of order, you are. F**king out of order. You don't know what you're doing. What's this about Chris Seddon carrying Team Liverpool through 36 holes of golf on Friday? (Slams copy of the Telegraph on the table.)
Reason: Well, free comment...
Mat Kinson: It's bang out of order. I had very bad hay-fever. I'll not have you near this tournament next year, you hear that? And you, from the Mail. I did not “jam my way into contention again, only to choke on the final nine”. You got that?
Lawrenson: We're just reporting on the weekend Mat Kinson, the popular demand for coverage of this event is sky high. We double our circulation at the Mail every time the SCC comes around.
Mat Kinson: Who are you calling Mat Kinson?
SCC Press Officer Macpherson: The incoming captain would like to be referred to as "Mr Captain".
Lawrenson: Mr Captain.
Mr Captain: Quite right.
John Hopkins: Er…John Hopkins here, Golf correspondent, The Times. Mr. Captain, how do you think you played out there today?
Mr Captain: That's a golf question. I'm not here to answer golf questions.
Hopkins: Right, no, of course not. Well, what are your plans for next year?
Mr Captain: I want to win.
Hopkins: Yes, thanks. But I was thinking more on the lines of what do you plan for the event, the venue, we heard St Andrews was in the running to host the SCC 2010?
Mr Captain to Macpherson: What’s he talking about? And why is he snivelling?
Hopkins: I have hay-fever.
Mr Captain: Pathetic.
SCC Press Officer Macpherson: He’d like to know whether you plan to host the event somewhere special for the 5th Anniversary SCC.
Mr Captain: These things sort themselves out in my experience. Next question.
Lawrenson: Did you congratulate Pete Bramwell on his tournament winning 17th hole yesterday?
Mr Captain: That’s another golf question. Next.
Reason: Do you have a word for the fans who turned up today? They’ll be interested to see if you develop a rapport as your predecessor did. Ben also, might I add, always had a word for the press.
Mr Captain: You dicks were watching the Lions, weren’t you? There were a couple of female fans on the 18th, but they seemed to be looking out for Nick Brooker. Next.
Hopkins: Are you in a bad mood because you only finished third this year?
Mr Captain: Were you watching the Lions?
Hopkins: Well…most of us were, yes.
Mr Captain: Timewasters, the lot of you. First and fourth – that’s all that matters, ok? The middle placings are a lottery.
(At this stage a member of the public, sporting a Team Nottingham polo shirt and looking much like Team Nottingham member Dom Williams, was escorted from the building, yelling “Massive C you are… Massive C… Fourth is the new first… Fourth is the new first…”)
Lawrenson: Do you have a word or two for the staff of Pennard GC?
Mr Captain: Didn’t like the rough. Next.
Hopkins: In all seriousness though, it’s a beautiful course isn’t it?
Mr Captain: Neil Guyton seemed to like it, yes.
(At this stage the press conference was interrupted by the shattering of a clubh

Hopkins: Mr Captain, one last question. What do you think of the FWAG's decision to set up their own blog?
Mr Captain: Sloshpots, the lot of them... I’ve had enough.
(Storms off in the direction of the driving range for another 25 balls…)
For the inspiration for this blog, see: