BREAKING NEWS ............. BREAKING NEWS .....................
At a press conference quickly arranged less than 2 hours ago, Peter "Swings
like a legend, putts like a girl" Bramwell approached the microphone.....
"First and foremost, let this be understood that we are very happy to hear
the exciting news from Team Birmingham camp. We all wish Sally well and
that the forthcoming months are stressfree and relaxing, much unlike playing
a round of golf with her husband.
It has come as a shock to the whole SCC community that Team Birmingham
linchpin, Ben "He Shoots, He Scores" Williams is to become a father, which
will undoubtedly be ruling him out from the next few years of SCC
On the flipside, we are pleased to announce that Nick "I'm here and I'm
Queer" Brooker, is delighted with the prospect of not only becoming an
uncle, but to also lose the deadweight that is Ben Williams.
I have a statement which he wishes me to read to you all...
"As you all know now, Ben will be retiring at the end of this year.
This leaves me with many mixed emotions, most of them whirling around the
idea of just bringing in the new partner now, therefore not drawing out the
inevitable. Ben has held me back over the years, and has been nothing short
of devastating for Team Birmingham. His ears and nose have cast many a
shadow over the team, and I am ready to start a fresh. I have heard that
there is a promising young lad from the blind and deaf school around the
corner, who seems to be playing a more consistant game than Ben at present.
Whatever happens I will be keeping my options open and no doubt I will be
keeping you all fully informed."
I can only agree with Nick that swift action needs to be taken, as it was
done with that former player for Team Manchester who's name escapes me....
We will be keeping you informed on these breaking events in the lead up to
SCC 2010, and you will be notified of any team changes.
I will not be answering any questions as I need to go and take a paternity
test this afternoon.
Thank you for attending"