It has been quiet of late on the SCC blog, and the SCC Captain Extraordinaire Pi Sorter is still yet to make his debut blog. We can only imagine the amount of time and effort which has gone into this post, and i as well as yourselves cannot wait for the 'Post of a lifetime'.
As we all clear our inboxes and head off to our respective families and friends for the xmas holidays i thought i would display a few of the cards which we have been sent by our enthusiastic SCC followers this year, and what a nice bunch of people they are too.
Merry Xmas to you all
Thursday, 19 December 2013
Monday, 20 May 2013
......Sponsorship Announcement....
As fate has decreed that its impossible for Mattkinson, Bumwell and Seds to be picked together in a team next year i can exclusively reveal that the 'Heroes to Zeroes' team members are currently negotiating individual mega deals for sponsorship at the 2014 Royal St David's spectacular.....
'I's are being dotted and 'T's are being crossed on a 'bountiful' deal with 'ManGo Juice' that will see the following logo 'splashed' across the team's clothing:
The SCC's party-goers extraordinaire refused to comment on the speculation, indeed for once their mouth's were firmly closed.....
More details as they become available...
Monday, 13 May 2013
.....To Cut A Long Story Short..................Seddon in Spandau Ballet tribute act on Friday of SCC......
Breaking News .....
The SCC board woke up to the devastating news this morning that the stalwart of the SCC players Mr Chris 'Media Whore' Seddon will not be able to play at SCC '13.
As most people now know, Seddon likes to get about a bit. He can be often found in some far flung destination enticing the local homosexuals by seductively blowing his trumpet in various tight leiderhosen,
Being the new 'face of Dior'
Or, causing him to miss this year's SCC, regrouping with ABBA at the Eurovision finals.
Never one to miss the opportunity to blow his metal appendage in public, Seddon had this to say, "It was obviously a very difficult decision to make, I hope the boys will understand. When ABBA approached me I knew it would be bad news for the SCC, but one look at the spandex which they suggested I wear and I was sold."
Retirement of a Legend
In further news it is reported that Si 'Who?' Porter will be retiring his Donnay Slammer after 26 years of faithful service and loyalty. Simon had this to say to the media...
"I have absolutely no script in my mind. I'm just going to ramble on and hope I get to the core of what this golf club has meant to me. This is a thank you to Donnay. Not just the directors, not just the medical staff, the coaching staff, the other SCC players and supporters. It's all of you. This has been the most fantastic experience of my life. Thank you."
"I have been very fortunate that I've been able to play with this club at many special golf clubs throughout Wales. Although I have never held the SCC trophy it has helped me win the wooden spoon many times in fantastic fashion."
"My retirement from Donnay does mean the end of my life with this club. I'll now be able to enjoy looking for my ball at least another 15 yards further from the tee, rather than suffer with the embarrassment of having to search for it just short of the ladies tee's. But, if you think about it, those duck-hooks, the slices, even the air shots are all part of this great Donnay Slammer ... so thank you for that."
"I'd also like to remind you that when we had bad times with the club, all the staff stood by me, all the SCC players stood by me. Your job now is to stand by my new club selection.
"Before I start blubbing, I just want to speak to Chris Seddon who will be missing this years event. He is unbelievable. One of the greatest players we've ever had and ever will ever.
"I also want to wish Matt Miller a speedy recovery to form and return to the golf course.
"I wish the SCC players every success in the future You know how good you are, you know the clubs you're playing with and you know what it means to everyone here. Don't ever let yourselves down. The expectation is always there."
Wise words, from a wise man.
Sunday, 12 May 2013
Are these really appropriate antics for a senior SCC'er?
Surely preparation for as seminal an event in the sporting calendar as the Second City Challenge should take a more serious form than dressing up in a Bayern Munich kit and getting shedded...
Also Ben how did you get that 'Jim'll Fix It' medal?
Friday, 10 May 2013
The results are in! The Official SCC Mascot 2013 is....
In previous years, the official SCC Mascot has had
something of a low-key role.
So low-key,
in fact, you would be forgiven for missing it completely. Or forgiven for thinking it was Pete Bramwell and letting him win was part of the deal...
But not this year.
This year, the SCC Mascot has been determined by public
vote for the first time. Not an X-factor
style, rigged-by-the-producers telephone vote.
This competition has, we are pleased to announce, been determined by
secret ballot of the residents of Llandudno.
It gives me great pleasure to announce the results, in
reverse order.
Third place – Shaun the Sheep
Shaun was a promising contender and popular among the residents
of Llandudno. Alas, his lack of sporting ability and tendency to munch through the golf courses of North Wales (Ffestiniog Golf Club is a favourite) saw him edged into third place.
Second place – Katherine Jenkins
She's hot. She's Welsh. She runs
marathons for charity. And, she tells us, she has a soft spot for the SCC.
"I know you've changed the format in recent
years," she said recently, "and I like the new format, don't get me
But I really used to like
watching Team Liverpool. They were crowd
pleasers, you know?
of course they are well lush."
First place – wait for it....
Yes, you've guessed it....Yes, it's you Blobby! Blobby, Blobby, Blobby!

He likes golf.
loves the SCC.
And he has a real
affinity with the new format...
See you next weekend, for.... "Getting Blobby"
Tuesday, 7 May 2013
Glass balls at the ready...
With the tension building and the bunting being prepared, focus of late has been drawn the SCC's annual sweepstake.
As avid supporters of the SCC will know, it is a tradition that each year a famous celebrity will pop their clogs. As this is almost a certainty, there is normally a brief sweep within the SCC players to guess who the unfortunate recipient will be. In a strange twist to this years proceedings the rules have been altered due to Operation Yewtree throwing up so many family favourite celebrities to be banged up for historical kiddy fiddling.
This years sweep sees the players not only guessing who will kick the bucket but also who will be arrested, favourites so far are:
Tarrant – 5/1
Brucey – 10/1
Barrymore – 2/1
Blackburn – 4/1
Cilla – 20/1
Cliff – 16/1
On other issues, the ex Team Manchester pairing of Guyton and Bumwell host their annual 2 rounds of 9 at Royal Hale tonight in preparation for the big event next week, Guyton had this to say, "I always like coming to play Royal Hale, the way it plays so differently on each round of 9 really tests a golfers focus and endurance. I like to think that I am ready for the SCC each year, but Royal Hale always exploits my weaknesses. The tricky 290 yard 8th (17th) hole always swallows up a few balls when I launch up a nice hanging high fade. I just hope the North Wales golf club can live up to the comparison of this nasty little 9-holer."
As avid supporters of the SCC will know, it is a tradition that each year a famous celebrity will pop their clogs. As this is almost a certainty, there is normally a brief sweep within the SCC players to guess who the unfortunate recipient will be. In a strange twist to this years proceedings the rules have been altered due to Operation Yewtree throwing up so many family favourite celebrities to be banged up for historical kiddy fiddling.
This years sweep sees the players not only guessing who will kick the bucket but also who will be arrested, favourites so far are:
Tarrant – 5/1
Brucey – 10/1
Barrymore – 2/1
Blackburn – 4/1
Cilla – 20/1
Cliff – 16/1
On other issues, the ex Team Manchester pairing of Guyton and Bumwell host their annual 2 rounds of 9 at Royal Hale tonight in preparation for the big event next week, Guyton had this to say, "I always like coming to play Royal Hale, the way it plays so differently on each round of 9 really tests a golfers focus and endurance. I like to think that I am ready for the SCC each year, but Royal Hale always exploits my weaknesses. The tricky 290 yard 8th (17th) hole always swallows up a few balls when I launch up a nice hanging high fade. I just hope the North Wales golf club can live up to the comparison of this nasty little 9-holer."
Monday, 15 April 2013
The excitement builds...
As the main event draws near the SCC boys have been busy congregating in packs to hone their skills:
Seddon/Gayton - Bolton Old Links- Friday 12th April
Inside reports suggest that although Gayton started well, carding an impressive level after 11 holes, his high fade seemed again to be his weakness and left him with a miserable finish. Seddon on the other hand just couldn't get the round going, finishing last behind a group of 18 - 36 handicappers.
Mr Seddon Senior had this to say to the waiting reporters, "I can't say im surprise, he talks a big game and he has plenty of time to practise, if he could just concentrate and stop fucking off to various countries to 'work' then i feel he is in with a shout of another first place finish this year."
Bumwell / Brooker / Willams.B (and Matkinson) - Brum - Saturday 13th April
Although no golf was played, serious discussion were held on this years strategy to prevent Bumwell from securing a 7th win. The highly acclaimed player didnt have much to say on the issue as he was too busy signing autographs, seen by his absence below.
No-one knows what the two golfers and Matkison were discussing in this leaked photo, but undercover reporters suggest that Matkison was spouting a convincing lie that he beat someone in a knockout match earlier in the day.
Williams.D - Vegas - Sunday 14th April
Trying to drum up support from the American contingent, the door-to-door Wispa salesman is visiting city of sin to get some well needed sleep from his at home commitments. Only time will tell if this huge break in his pre-SCC practise will be devastating on the final day.
Miller/Porter - Travelodge - Monday 15th April
Not to be left out the two workhorses of the SCC have had their own special meeting this morning at a hotel just outside Brighton. Ever the shroud businesman Porter only paid for the room for an hour, this was obivously enough time for the two to frantically practise their putting skills coming from the shouts of 'In the Hole'. Miller, clearly drained from the intense session, only managed to give a quick wave to his fans as he limped to his waiting car.
Seddon/Gayton - Bolton Old Links- Friday 12th April
Inside reports suggest that although Gayton started well, carding an impressive level after 11 holes, his high fade seemed again to be his weakness and left him with a miserable finish. Seddon on the other hand just couldn't get the round going, finishing last behind a group of 18 - 36 handicappers.
Mr Seddon Senior had this to say to the waiting reporters, "I can't say im surprise, he talks a big game and he has plenty of time to practise, if he could just concentrate and stop fucking off to various countries to 'work' then i feel he is in with a shout of another first place finish this year."
Bumwell / Brooker / Willams.B (and Matkinson) - Brum - Saturday 13th April
Although no golf was played, serious discussion were held on this years strategy to prevent Bumwell from securing a 7th win. The highly acclaimed player didnt have much to say on the issue as he was too busy signing autographs, seen by his absence below.
No-one knows what the two golfers and Matkison were discussing in this leaked photo, but undercover reporters suggest that Matkison was spouting a convincing lie that he beat someone in a knockout match earlier in the day.
Williams.D - Vegas - Sunday 14th April
Trying to drum up support from the American contingent, the door-to-door Wispa salesman is visiting city of sin to get some well needed sleep from his at home commitments. Only time will tell if this huge break in his pre-SCC practise will be devastating on the final day.
Miller/Porter - Travelodge - Monday 15th April
Not to be left out the two workhorses of the SCC have had their own special meeting this morning at a hotel just outside Brighton. Ever the shroud businesman Porter only paid for the room for an hour, this was obivously enough time for the two to frantically practise their putting skills coming from the shouts of 'In the Hole'. Miller, clearly drained from the intense session, only managed to give a quick wave to his fans as he limped to his waiting car.
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
William Hill Confirm Captains Predictions
This was a live screen shot taken from the William Hill website at 9.39am on Tuesday 26th March.....
Monday, 25 March 2013
New Love Sparks SCC 8
With time ticking away on the Opening Ceremony of SCC, it seems romance is in the air and having a remarkable effect on the golfers results. Odds on Tiger (porter) Woods to be named No 1 Golfer at this years event have been slashed. Woods has been on an impressive streak in form after recently announcing his steamy relationship with Lyndsey Vonn, US World cup & Olympic Downhill ski champion (pictured together below). After moving into pot 2 at last years event, 'Si'ger has his eyes firmly on joining the big boys in the top pot.
Woods commented "there's no way that 'hit it and hope' Captain C Seddon can remain up in pot 1. He got away with it big time last year and I firmly believe he'll be contributing heavily to the blobometer at SCC 8." Betting odds confirm these suspicions as Mr Captain has managed just 2 rounds of golf this year due to the new love interest in his life combined with the recent artic conditions. Seddon confirmed his new regime of early mornings and picking up shit is having a real knock-on effect on his preparations and he can't get enough of it.....
On other news, the SCC Commitee can confirm a new award for this years event. With the insertion of the 'Blobometer', it has been decided the blobiest member of the group with be presented with an intellectual goblet to be paraded at the 'SCC Bad Shirt after party' and will be the winners for the following 12 months. We believe everyone will agree that no player will want to be the holder of such a title but the award will be presented to Benjamin Williams at this years opening ceremony based on last years results. Players.....get.....practising!
Friday, 15 March 2013
Wales troubled by lack of sheep for opening ceremony
Another year passes, time for practising slowly slips away and as Si 'the ghost' Porter dusts off his dunlop persimmons the great SCC opening ceremony draws near, but this year the revellers are in for (more) disappointment.
As is usual with the SCC opening ceremony, each full paying entrant gets, "Full access to a whole, live and untainted sheep", but this year looks like it may have to break from that tradition.
Farmer Gryffyd Schllymmnd, the SCC's trusted sheep breeder had this to say, "Well, I don’t know what to say."
Thought provoking as Mr Schllymmnd's comments were, SCC blog decided to look deeper into a trend which has been happening all across the country over the past 24 months. Farms from as far south as Cardiff up to the northerly spots such as Lllandudno have seen a dramatic drop in numbers of the sexy woolly beasts and people are starting to get worried. Suggestions have been that they have turn into daffodils during the spring, they have taken to swimming or are hiding behind cows, all preposterous and quite frankly ridiculous, but one theme does seem to carry weight – the travelling salesman.
24 months ago Nick 'Faldo' Brooker started selling for a small time golf trolley manufacturer and sheep levels were at an all time high, but in direct correlation with the 'businessman's' visits and travel habits have we seen these numbers fall, and seen an increase in numbers of 'used' sheep.
When questioned on the subject Nick at first refused to comment, but after prising a rather startled looking ewe out of his grasp he finally decided to 'fess-up'.
"Yes, I might have had something to do with it, but it can't all be my fault. It started small, I was only going for the pretty ones, you know. Once a week, maybe twice. But then it gets you. You think, maybe I can go for a week without it, but then I pass a field full of them and I just couldn't help myself. Soon I was up to twenty maybe thirty over the week and it was just a downward spiral from there. I've tried moving on, I really have, but it's just so hard. I will tell you this though, I have cut down to only 5 a week now, and I am wearing woolly jumpers to keep the cravings down. I feel that I must also apologise to the fans who will be attending the opening ceremony, it looks like there might only be enough left for one-between-two."
On hearing the news local SCC fan Dffyll Pgstrw said this, "I don’t care what happens, im not going two's up on no sheep, not now, not ever that’s just disgusting and immoral, I want me own one to bugger thank you very much."
What will happen, who knows? We will just have to wait to find out
Pete 'The Length' Bramwell
Rasmus II 'finds higgs-boson particle'
Worlds greatest scientists 'in state of shock and awe'
Startling news from our science correspondent that, such is the complexity of the latest version of Rasmus II it is alleged to have beaten CERN's Hadron Collider in identifying the 'Higgs-Boson' particle. Scientists are also investigating claims from it's inventor, B. Williams esq. that it can be used to travel back in time as well as, perhaps most shockingly, allow the user to manipulate it in such a manner as to make it's creator's score card 'look acceptable'.
Asked to comment on this startling revelation, Prof. Stephen J Hawking had this to say:
"Balls. Beaten to the punch by some bum bandit. Still at least i can wang a 3 Iron further than half the SCC'ers"
Startling news from our science correspondent that, such is the complexity of the latest version of Rasmus II it is alleged to have beaten CERN's Hadron Collider in identifying the 'Higgs-Boson' particle. Scientists are also investigating claims from it's inventor, B. Williams esq. that it can be used to travel back in time as well as, perhaps most shockingly, allow the user to manipulate it in such a manner as to make it's creator's score card 'look acceptable'.
Asked to comment on this startling revelation, Prof. Stephen J Hawking had this to say:
"Balls. Beaten to the punch by some bum bandit. Still at least i can wang a 3 Iron further than half the SCC'ers"
Friday, 4 January 2013
It's here!
Llandudno get ready as SCC 2013 hits your door. Expect to experience all those moments you've heard so much about: -
Grown men making copious 'arse-play' jokes:
Excitement amongst the gallery reaches a fever pitch
at the thought of the thousands of yards spent walking looking for either of the Matthew's lost golf balls
the medicinal post round 'energy drinks'
and, of course, 'Getting Blobby!'
Bring it on North Wales Golf Course!
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