It appears that Team Manchester's leading player, Peter "Legend" Bramwell, has embroiled himself in controversy this week. A spokesman from 'Odyessy' has been quoted as saying,"It is with great sadness that Peter has decided to change his putter for SCC '09. We had almost perfected this years "Two Foot" model for Peter to use, we are deeply disappointed that he has now chosen another brand."
The brand in question, Fisher, have released there new range of putters at just the right time. Peter is believed to have liked the patented "Built in anti-bottling technology" and with the added bonus of his new "Excuses" catalogue he seems to have made the right choice. Watching him practice with his new putter we managed to see a sneak preview of his excuses for 2009. The first was the obvious," I'm still not used to the speed off the face," followed swiftly by,"This new grip really will take some getting used to."
The choices of colours for the face insert threw a lot of options open for him which he talked through with us earlier, "I had the 'firm' option of "Gay Green", the 'really soft' option of "Ugly Scummy Baby Blue" or the one which I chose "We Have Won The SCC Twice And Team Birmingham Have Never Beaten Us - Red", it seems like he made the correct choice.
Only time will tell if his new purchase will improve his golf, but Peter doesn't seem to be too bothered as he said, "It looks good when i hold it and the head-cover is very pretty."
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