Miller: Please Piers I’m just not able to comment in any way on the speculation as to why Sol Campbell actually left Notts County. However hard you push I simply cannot comment.
Morgan: Come on Matt admit it, was it really due to a broken heart? Did the upcoming marriage of his ‘special friend’ Dom Williams tip him over the edge?
Miller: Really Piers you have to stop looking at those websites. Can we move away from the whole area of man love, I'm just not comfortable with it. Let's get back to my upcoming debut at the renowned SCC. I’ve got some important things to say.
Morgan: Ok Matt let’s do that. Now some would say you’re at a serious disadvantage this year in replacing so skilled a golfer as Neil McGayton?
Miller: Piers there’s no denying it Neil can play golf. And swear at umpires in Hockey, he's very good at that. Frankly I’m hot and cold. Streaky if you like. Sh*t if you must. However, and let me say this clearly, I have ABSOLUTE faith that my partner this year will play out of his skin. Or at least to his handicap. Or maybe even to my handicap at a push.
Morgan: Can he be trusted? We’ve seen what can happen, I mean 27 off the tee at Pen…
Miller: let me stop you there Piers. What’s past is past. Perhaps Neil was overly indulgent before (especially so with the bed wetting incidents), however I know Pete has matured into a sensible, grounded human being. I mean he’s now in charge of organizing my stag do! So yes let’s talk about trust shall we. On the golf course I trust Peter implicitly. And vice versa. He knows I'll always have some beers in my bag.
Morgan: Now these allegations of an incident in Portugal, in which a Team Birmingham competitor was injured…
Miller: I have no idea how these things follow me around, scurrilous clap trap. Yes I was playing at Pestana with my Team Manchester team mate and Ben. And yes Ben stumbled and fell, injuring his ankle. I’ll admit Pete was waaaaaay off left looking for a ball he had hooked the hell out of , as impossible as that sounds. Yes I was the nearest person to Ben. But let me categorically say again I DID NOT PUSH HIM OVER. It was an accident and the poor little soldier seemed to shake it off to have some fun on the water slides a few days later.
Morgan: Ok so we’re going to wrap up here, anything else you’d like to add?
Miller: Absolutely Piers. Team Manchester may be much changed this year but one thing that hasn’t altered is our UTTER conviction that we fight on and we fight to win. And we drink on and we drink to win as well I'd like to add.
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