Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Dark Clouds Gather Over Sherwood Forest

The SCC rumour mill has gone into overdrive of late with news that Team Nottingham have once again shown that they are very much Sherriff of Nottingham and not Robin Hood when it comes to fair play…

A source of this reporter understands that Dominic “Tuck” Williams is intent on copying the preparation of Team Birmingham superstar “Long” Ben Williams in the run in to this years competition. Not content with making his hair the same colour as Long Ben, it is rumoured that Tuck has now also been seen playing with the same putter!

Bens recent change to the Odyssey two-ball from the Ping putter which has widely been reported as being possibly the hardest putter to use in the world ever, members of Harborne GC have been treated to some spectacular putting of late.
It is thought that Tuck must have placed spies in the Harborne club who have reported back to him with news of the change which have then lead to this dark move.

These underhand tactics will surely not go unnoticed by the SCC committee and there have been unconfirmed reports that SCC2009 Captain Ben Williams is considering disciplinary action.

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