Thursday, 23 April 2009

South Korea Golf?

As many of you will know by now, the SCC is not just a British phenomenon, it is a global orgy fest, pulling in visitors from far flung countries such as Argentina, India and even Ireland. So my next phase as President is to encourage visitors from SOUTH KOREA to view our blog.

I will be starting a South Korea Golf poll and those of you who are correct in you answer will receive a pint from myself on the SCC weekend, so please post your answers in the blog, otherwise they won't count.

Question: When will a person view the blog from South Korea?

1. 0 - 2 Weeks
2. 2 - 4 Weeks
3. 4 - 6 weeks
4 Not Before the SCC '09 Smackdown

In order to encourage South Korean searches i will now just add random words. South Korea Golf, South Korea, South Korean Golf.South Korea Golf, South Korea, South Korean Golf.South Korea Golf, South Korea, South Korean Golf.South Korea Golf, South Korea, South Korean Golf.South Korea Golf, South Korea, South Korean Golf.

Wonder how long until we are number one hit on Google for South Korea Golf?


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