Tuesday, 23 June 2009

The Roman Road Roams No More


[ Here follows an official statement from Celtic Manor Resort & Spa]

"It bring me great sadness to announce that the Celtic Manor Resort & Spa will not be able to host this years SCC '09 warm-up competition. We have been racking our brains o try and find a way to replace the much missed Peter "Extra Length and Accuracy Is My Middle Name" Bumwell, but to no avail. There is no other option but to shut down and dig up the course in his memory. There wouldn't be a proper competition if "he" couldn't make it, and also how would the pro-shop survive? They were banking on at least 2 boxes of balls being bought before the round, then one halfway through.

If only there was another option? But there isn't. I know this will be a great disappointment to those members of the SCC who were going to make a long journey down on Thursday morning, but can I just say to them don't. Don't even think about it, the course isn't here any more, we have removed it, and it will be raining anyway. It wasn't even a good course anyway, so just stay at home.

Yours in Sadness

Johnny "Big" Balls

Director General CMR&S 2009"

WOW .... I'm speechless, but a good move by Celtic Manor nonetheless.

Pres "I Hope It Thunders'N'Lightenings On Thursday Morning You Massive Bunch Of C's" Bumwell

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