Seddon has spoken out in a recent press conference, here is what he had to say:
"durrhhhhhhhh, I be special and wishing i am hitting that there ball of golf as well as that really good looking bloke from Nottinghamshiretownville, you know the younger yellow haired tanned one. Where my pills, where my pills burgghhhhhhhh."
This was followed with him talking gibberish about Bolton being a strong Premiership team,at this point it was clear he was completely barking mad and the local psychologist ordered for Seddon to be sedated with Ketamine (which coindently was found in Nick Brookers failed druf test after his disqualification from SCC 08 along with various other substances.)
It remains to be seen as to whether Seddon will be ok to play at Pennard, however the SCC committee appear keen for his inclusion as it helps to demonstrate their stance on the competition being non discriminatory - in the past they have used Ben 'simple' Williams for their quota of minority backgrounds, however it now appears that they have a more genuine case in Seddon.
As preparation for SCC 09 heats up and with reports of Team Nottingham's extremely experienced (polite term for old) member Pimon Sorter loosing a riduclous amount of golf balls when playing only 11 holes at the very hard track at Royal Rushcliffe, it has been revealed that he has been going to see a mystery friend / therapist who has a track record of loosing hundreds of balls in the past. Pimon Sorter told that his therapist has really helped him, when quizzed about who this person was, Sorter remained philosophical and would not give a name, however he said that his therapist was a fine upstanding posh Northerner who once lost 14 balls in one round - say no more! Sorter has also been for a couple of lessons which has helped instil new confidence in his swing and it is pleasing to hear that the Donnay Slammer has been finally ditched!
Team Nottingham may be labelled as rank outsiders for 09 but they are still the olny side who could have won the last two SCC's on the last holes of each which is more than can be said of the blue Brum Scum!!
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