Tuesday 15 April 2008

A Humble Apology

"I brings a tear to my eye when i have to think about it," confesses Team Manchesters prodigy, Peter Bramwell. "As for anybody who knew me then, I was going through a difficult phase in my life. I was deperately trying to recover from a bad bout of 'fashionitis' (commonly known as 'Bad Taste') before a party i was to attend. Unfortunately for many people there, i hadn't fully recovered.

I did apologise at the time, especially to Ken Lodge who is now blind due to the event, but unfortunately words cannot heal. Unless of course you are dumb, in which case they do.

I would like to keep the past behind me and focus on the events to come. Sorry again for the hurt this has caused, i can only promise that i will check myself in the mirror before leaving the house."

A true apology from a great man, i'm sure you will all agree.

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