Tuesday 19 January 2010

Breaking News... Neil Pulls Out After Finding Penis

As most of you may be aware, Team Manchester has been halved from two great golfers, to just one and a half great golfers. The aforementioned half, Mr Neil 'Yes It Works' Guyton, has been getting his end away and managed to produce a sprog. Not even cries from Massive C Seddon of, "Stop Nobbin' Around", could not prevent this from happening.

So it brings me with great pleasure to welcome Mr Matthew Miller (65), to the SCC for 2010 (Still TBC). I'm sure that we will welcome Matthew with open arms and erect penis's into the SCC fold.

Matthew, born 7th January 1935, was delighted when he heard the news. "I just can't believe it," said the radpidly aging southerner, "I have to keep pinching my nipples, just to make sure it's not a dream. I never knew that dropping out of Manchester Polytechnic in 1992 would ever come around to this. I know that I have a small role to play, as Neil was just the supporting act, and even though I will try my best, it will be hard to over-shadow the presence that is Mr Peter 'Length' Bramwell."

Wise words, by an less than average golfer, I'm sure you'll agree.

Mr President

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